Healthy Chocolate-Chip Cookies

I have been making this cookies for a while now for myself and the boys. I don't really know why I haven't post recipe before as the are super easy to do and super healthy as well. Recipe makes about 10 cookies. They are chunky and very tasty! Once you make them you will keep making them as they are so easy! I hope you all like them! Ingredients: 1 cup of oats flour (porridge oats blended to flour consistency) 1 cup of almond ground or almond flour 2 eggs 5 teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 cup of honey of agave or maple syrup (your choice) I used honey 1 teaspoon of baking powder Dark chocolate chips (optional) Pre-heat oven at 150 degrees Celcius 1. Line up a tray with grease proof paper 2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl with a fork until all ingredients are very well mixed (except the choc chips) 3. Don't touch the mixture as it is quiet sticky. Just spoon a chunky amount of mixture into the tray. 4. place 4 or 5 chocolate chips on top of each cookie 5. Bake for ...