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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2016

Fitness Q&A

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1. What made a biggest impact on losing weight? cut down carbs, junk food or did you go low fat? To be honest. It was a bit of everything. I did all of the things mentioned above. I didn't cut junk food completely, just reduce it to one or two cheats a week. I didn't cut carbs completely just measure them to don't over eat them. And I went high fat actually. I find myself I feel fuller and with more energy having plenty of fats in my diet and by this I mean good fats like: avocado, almond butter, nuts, coconut milk (for curries and dishes), seeds, etc. I don't consume any cow milk and cheese only on my cheat meals.  But the above is up to each individual. I know some ladies that much rather have a higher carb diet and lower fat. So analyse how you feel, and do what your body feels happy with.  2. When you are training should you always focus on a particular part of the body? Not necessarily. I know extremely fit people that do a full body workouts every time they exerci

Fitness Q&A

Hình ảnh
1. What made a biggest impact on losing weight? cut down carbs, junk food or did you go low fat? To be honest. It was a bit of everything. I did all of the things mentioned above. I didn't cut junk food completely, just reduce it to one or two cheats a week. I didn't cut carbs completely just measure them to don't over eat them. And I went high fat actually. I find myself I feel fuller and with more energy having plenty of fats in my diet and by this I mean good fats like: avocado, almond butter, nuts, coconut milk (for curries and dishes), seeds, etc. I don't consume any cow milk and cheese only on my cheat meals.  But the above is up to each individual. I know some ladies that much rather have a higher carb diet and lower fat. So analyse how you feel, and do what your body feels happy with.  2. When you are training should you always focus on a particular part of the body? Not necessarily. I know extremely fit people that do a full body workouts every time they exerci

10 health & Fitness Q&A

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1. Are protein shakes good to consume post work-out? I personally don't take any protein shakes any more! Why? Because I have a very strong view that dairy milk isn't good for grown humans. Only about 2% of the population can digest milk. I have seen some dieticians on T.V shows recommending to keep ingesting milk so our body becomes resistant to it!  I mean how crazy is that? Why would you force the body to ingest another specie fluid? and not to mention the suffering that the animal goes through so we all have access to its babies fluid! You might be thinking why is this crazy woman talking about milk on a whey protein subject? well I'll explain you briefly: When milk is being processed its divided into 2 different processes: one to produce milk, one to produce cheese. Once cheese is produced, they are left with this liquid that (before whey protein was popular) they used to just get rid off.  But one day, they decided to analyse this liquid and realised it was full of pr

10 health & Fitness Q&A

Hình ảnh
1. Are protein shakes good to consume post work-out? I personally don't take any protein shakes any more! Why? Because I have a very strong view that dairy milk isn't good for grown humans. Only about 2% of the population can digest milk. I have seen some dieticians on T.V shows recommending to keep ingesting milk so our body becomes resistant to it!  I mean how crazy is that? Why would you force the body to ingest another specie fluid? and not to mention the suffering that the animal goes through so we all have access to its babies fluid! You might be thinking why is this crazy woman talking about milk on a whey protein subject? well I'll explain you briefly: When milk is being processed its divided into 2 different processes: one to produce milk, one to produce cheese. Once cheese is produced, they are left with this liquid that (before whey protein was popular) they used to just get rid off.  But one day, they decided to analyse this liquid and realised it was full of pr